My Three Benefits of Reconnecting To The Breath

Why should you start practicing breath awareness and breathwork? What are the main benefits and how easy is it to get to them? I’ve compiled the three main benefits I’ve experienced in my own life since reconnecting to my breath and doing regular breathwork practices.

Let’s go:

  1. I feel way more connected to my somatic experience, in other words, the realm of my physical body. When writing this I’m 41 years old and when I reflect on it, I’ve probably had a destructive, non-loving relationship to my body for at least 25 of those years. How sad is that? Very. The breath – reconnecting with it and working with it – has been my route back to a more loving and compassionate way of relating to my body. I want to feed the body good and healthy food. I want to move it. I want to go sure it has the tools it needs in order to function at its best.

  2. I have a lot more mental stability. I come from a background of suffering from panic attacks and anxiety. Which eventually led to agoraphobia. I couldn’t be in open spaces. I was afraid to talk because "what if I was unable to speak out loud?”. I was suffering from a variety of temporary mental disorders. Now, when understanding how I can calm down quickly and also realize what actually happens in my body when I feel stress, I feel comfortable in pretty much any situation. Can I still feel nervous and stressed? Occasionally. Can I enjoy that feeling instead of wanting to flee from it? Yes.

  3. I very rarely get sick nowadays. I used to have colds, flu, fevers, feeling low on energy, etc quite often. These days, those symptoms are almost completely gone. It’s probably a consequence of many different factors but I do think that daily breathwork has been the main one.

Tip from the coach: Establish a morning routine where you combine breath awareness and breathwork for 5-15 minutes depending on the life you live at the moment. The longer the better!

I have a guided morning routine session in the free video library - check it out.

Breathe well,

Follow me on instagram: @emil.justbreathe

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Why Do We Breathe?


Breath Awareness As The Direct Path Inward